Enrique and Victoria



This is the first photo we saw of Enrique. He is standing next to a soccer field, up

 the hill from his home at the orphanage.


We met Enrique on July 18.This is the office at the orphanage where he lived.

 It looks like Vicky is blowing up a balloon with a clown nose on. Your guess is as good as mine.



The children at the orphanage live in two-story buildings built on a quadrangle. There is a small

playground in the center of the quadrangle, where Enrique demonstrated his "boy skills".




In the quadrangle on the day we met: Enrique posing, Vicky with her back to the camera.




Back in New York, winter coats are a new idea, coming from a climate where 60 degrees is

considered chilly. The missing front tooth had to be pulled when he was younger.



Here's Vicky in our apartment in Quito, next to the kitchen counter. Tasteeos are Cheerios, Ecuador-style.



Enrique is sitting by the window of our apartment in Quito, a few days after he came to live with us.

If "contented imp" comes to mind, the camera did its job well.